Affix Notary

What We Need From You

Your Physical Presence

As a signer, you must be physically present during the notarization.

Legally Acceptable Identification Documentation

We need valid identity documents issued by the government of the United States to be able to provide you with notary services. These include:

Valid Documents

Please read the following requirements carefully. Make sure all the documents that you want to notarize are fully compliant with the following legal requirements:

Competency & Comprehension

The signers must be competent enough to understand what the notarization process is and must be alert during the notarization process. The signers must be able to understand the standard language in which the documents and notary are operating (US English).

Situations In Which We Can’t Help You :

Lack Of Proper Identification

If we can’t identify you, we can’t notarize you or your documents. Some examples of improper and invalid documents include:

Not Having A Sound Mind

If we feel that you’re incapacitated (such as clients with dementia or Alzheimer’s) and are in no position to take legal actions such as notarizing your documents, such as being coerced, we won’t help with notarizing any of your documents.

A notary is legally obliged to validate that the person being notarized understands the process that is undergoing before them. The notary also needs to be able to communicate with the signer directly, i.e., without translation.

Back Dating / Post Dating Documents

Affix Notary can’t assist you, in any way, in the process of backdating or post dating documents

Provision Of Legal Advice

We cannot offer you any legal advice in any situation. We are a notary public and we only notarize documents and are neither allowed nor obligated to offer any sort of advice to you in relation to legal matters.

Take Responsibility For Accuracy

We are not responsible for the accuracy or the legality of the documents that we notarize.

Having Legally Invalid Documents

If you just have the signature page of a document without the rest of the document printed out, we won’t be able to notarize the document.

Documents that have blank spaces or blank lines anywhere around the area that bears your signature are something we can’t notarize.

Documents that use the term ‘witness’ for the notary section instead of standard New Jersey notary jurat or acknowledgment statement is something we can’t legally help you with.



By Appointment Only! Call to request an appointment!